Yeah, I don't believe Mr. Lordy Face for a second. This is all the stupid Core's fault. I really don't get why they sent me here though. Is this what happens when you are rehabilitated? Is this punishment? I was just trying to have a simple sleepover and then I get uprooted and...
[Her grumbling, which sounds like a displeased puppy, trails off
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Somehow I doubt the Core, whoever that is, had anything to do with this. You can thank Lord D-bag for your one-way ticket here.
[...How can she not know who the Core is? Has she been living in a cave?]
Lord D-Bag. I like that. Has a nice ring to it.
[Naw, just a dorm room! Above ground, even!]
Yeah, suits him pretty well too.
[Tahlia is not convinced!]
Have you met him in person?
And naw, not in person. He likes to keep to himself.
[Tahlia is starting to realize from others that there are people from a whole bunch of worlds here. So, she's not really that confused anymore.]
You would think he would at least meet his prisoners in person.
And nope, he's not into contact. Or even really communication. Every now and then he'll send down a message from on high or pass judgement and say we're playing too rough...but mostly you never see him.
I guess that's good. I don't want to see his creepy Lordy face around anyway.
Couldn't agree more, though I have on occasion wished I could see him so that I could punch him in the throat for some of the crap he's pulled.
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