Supernatural 5.16 review

Apr 02, 2010 14:10

Wow. Where do I even start? This episode was the epitome of everything I love about the show.

I have to say, I was a little surprised that Dean slept through the beginning of the attack. I'm not going to say it's unrealistic--just odd. Where are his spidey senses? But, I guess with the apocalypse going around and Dean being exhausted in more ways then one, it's to be expected.

The look on Dean's face when the hunters shot Sammy. God. I just... it was heartbreaking. And how he couldn't avert his gaze even as they were discussing killing him. The whole scene was just so painful.

No, you very much don't want Dean Winchester on your ass.

Lololol Caspala! I died from the cute. And "Cas is on TV," lol!

I'm so glad I remained unspoiled for the episode, excluding the promo clips. I had no idea they were going to go to Haven. And I was so pleasantly surprised to see Traci's name in the credits! ♥

Now, not that I think our boys don't deserve Heaven, but it was definitely surprising to learn this is where they'd ended up. It makes me wonder who's in charge of making the decision, since God's supposedly not running the show. It didn't surprise me to learn that they'd ended up in Heaven when they died before, but clearly a lot has changed since. Perhaps it was Zachariah's doing just so he could have them on his turf and torture the fuck out of them?

I know a lot of people may not agree with me, but I could understand where Sam is coming from, and I really don't think he should be getting hate for it. He can't help how he feels. I think the way he feels is understandable, considering how the boys grew up (and, like he said, he didn't get the experience of Mary cutting the crust for him, etc.). There's a lot of baggage in the Winchester family, and they never had the healthiest of relationships. It doesn't mean that he doesn't love his family, or that he doesn't love Dean. I think it should be very clear at this point that he really does love his brother. He may not understand and now about everything Dean's done for him, but it doesn't mean he doesn't love or appreciate him.

Still, it was painful to realize Sammy's Heaven was basically Dean's Hell. The most upsetting part for me was when Dean talked about how he got shit from John that time Sam ran away.

Ok, so, I kind of love Zachariah -- he's my favourite douchebag go hate. However, what he was doing to Mary was beyond creepy, and when he kissed/licked her I just went Ewww. Also, I hope that thing about him having 4 heads was just bullshit, because... DNW. That's not how I want to imagine an angel's true form.

Pamela was amazing and smoking hot, I love her. ♥ Seriously an amazing surprise. Ash, too.

I wish we'd get Ellen and Jo as well. There's no way they ended up anywhere but in Heaven, right? I mean, it doesn't make sense. I'm thinking Ash just couldn't find them for whatever reason.

So, God's not getting involved. I'm probably in the minority here, but I wasn't overtly upset by this. Maybe it's just because I've been thinking about deism these last couple of days, and it's something I can wrap my head around.

What surprised me is that he's supposedly on Earth. What is he doing? Is he leading a mortal life? It reminds me, I skimmed through a book years ago, and it had a very memorable quote I liked right in the beginning, that went something like If God exists, he's probably a teenager in a rock band and is just looking to get laid. I wish I could remember what book it was so I could get the exact quote, it was witty.

What did upset me about God's lack of intervention was Dean and Castiel's reactions. My heart. Seriously, my heart. The look on Cas' face as he looked up. The hunch of his shoulders. The fact that he cursed at God, and how he said, "I believed in--". My heart. And when he gave Dean back the amulet, with such a dejected look and a broken voice as he said "It's worthless," and how Sam wanted to comfort him. The look on Dean's face when he saw how affected Cas was.

And Dean. Dean throwing away the amulet. My jaw literally dropped, and I turned to my mom and went, "Did Dean just really throw away the amulet?" to which she replied, "Yes" and i prompted again, "Did Dean really just throw away his amulet??"

So much heartache.

Castiel officially boarded the "Woe is me" and angsting wagons. I just want to hug Team Free Will and smish them forever.

Show, it hurt so good. I love you sfm. ♥

episode review, supernatural, angels are sinfully delicious, theology, everything needs moar misha, fandom

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