A Post With Little Significance! Just Some Stuff...

Jan 03, 2011 10:31

Insert obligatory: "OK, now who's still reading LJ friend pages...?"

2010's over. Nothing to report there. It was a year. At this point in life, they're supposed to all just seem to be "another year", right?

So what's going on, huh?

Since my last entry here, we finished up the original Macross TV series. Loved it to death. We were going to start Macross 7 next... but we watched one episode and then never got around to watching any more. We will at some point. I don't know that I picked up any more anime watching since then. I'm sure I've seen something here and there, but there hasn't been a concentrated effort to "watch something".

We actually went back and re-watched all of X-Men Evolution, which was a blast, and we're just about done re-watching Wolverine and the X-Men. Despite being the most casual of a fan of the franchise as I could be, I have a gazillion thoughts to harshly say about the latter series. Evolution has been the best animated interpretation of the franchise to date. If you think otherwise, you're wrong. That's all there is to it. You're just wrong.

Been playing video games. I like games. The wife and I both played through And Yet It Moves and thoroughly enjoyed it. I moved on to VVVVVV and was loving that, too, but then got distracted by Minecraft, which has been sucking up far too much of my time. I have a lot to say about it, but it's probably already been said by far more interesting people than myself.

I just started up Enslaved, which I've been dying to play for a while. Despite all its flaws, I really enjoyed Heavenly Sword, and primarily because of the characters (which more than made up for what the game was lacking in other areas). Knowing Ninja Theory was making a game loosely based off of Journey to the West was enough to sell me, but hearing that so many others absolutely fell in love with its characters was vindicating to hear long before I even owned the game. I'm two chapters in. Can't wait to play more. Don't know what console game I'll play after it... I might just do a one-two punch of Namco-Bandai goodness with Majin & The Forsaken Kingdom. Speaking of Namco-Bandai, I reviewed DragonBall: Raging Blast 2 a little while back if you're interested and haven't already read it (I doubt you are, and I doubt you did :P). There's always the obligatory Rock Band 3 going on, too.

In the portable arena, I finally manned-up and beat Dragon Quest IX. Loved the earlier stories more than the larger story, blah blah blah, liked dungeon crawling at first but then got bored, blah blah blah. Really glad I played it, though. Also really upset I didn't buy Dragon Quest V when it was first out, 'cuz now it's at ridiculous prices. I'll probably start Super Scribblenauts next.

I dunno. That's about it. I'm good, Meri's good, the cats are good, the house is good, jobs are good, hobbies are good, vacation was great...

The only other thing to share / brag about is our new album art for the podcast, which came to me completely unsolicited from one of our fans:

It epitomizes everything that I ever could have wanted it to be. It retains the "Goku + Record Player" image that always identifies the show, it calls back the original tankobon covers, and it's just all-around awesome.
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