So i looks like Thompson's taking the dive into the Presidential race. This pisses me off.
Why? Well, several reasons:
1) He's high in the polls...despite the fact that nobody knows his stance on any issues or anything like that
2) This means that I'll have to spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to find out what his issues are.
3) Speaking of issues, he's wiffle-washed his way through any remotely interesting statement, which means that again, people love him when they don't know what the fuck he's talking about. Which means that...
4) YES! In the middle of one of the messiest wars in American history, Americans are looking for an ACTOR to be President. Why? The Ron Paul supporters are more sane!
I realize that none of these are distinct points, but the nice thing about not being in debate is that I don't have to make sense anymore. I can just scream at the choir and hear their repeated sweet "amens"
So, in other words, Fred Thompson's high poll numbers show that the American people are still incredibly stupid. I mean, Bush's re-election kind of proved that--but I'd hoped the reality of Iraq would have made people sit up and pay attention. I mean, he's an actor for god's sakes--an actor on a television show that almost didn't get renewed.
But the thing that bugs me most about Fred Thompson is...
4) He's a really bad actor. If I have to hear one more stupid "When I was a southern boy" metaphor about baseball, I swear I'll vomit all over Kucinich's pocket constitution. There's a reason no one watches Law & Order anymore.
Yes. I hate Fred Thompson less on his underarticulated policies and more because I have to stick my fingers in my ears and go "LALALALALALALALA" every time I wanna see Jack McCoy rip some folks up.
Anyway, to quote the New York Times: “A guy who can pull votes from everyone shows that he is not some narrow or single-issue candidate.” Not a single-issue candidate, meaning, no single issue.
And why is the Republican Party obsessed with Ronald Reagan? In my opinion, the Californian Orator (who did, in fact, speak amazingly pretty) was a fuck-up who went from one mess to another (Iran-Contra, anyone?), spent all our nation's money, and murdered thousands of people by silencing a certain movement of which I am quite fond. Everyone thinks he ended the cold war with his incredible spending, but shouting: "tear down this wall" didn't affect things as much as the internal turmoil in Russia. Even if the Cold War was ended, big fat whup. Russia is still totalitarian, Eastern European countries tend to be almost utterly devoid of freedom, and the U.S. still has nukes pointed at us, not to mention the uranium slipping across the border in dime bags. Communism sucks ass, but post-communism doesn't seem like much of an improvement, in my eyes.
Of course the left has it's nonsensically-loved darling (JFK--who, let's face it, was a misogynist, an elitist, and a vapid, if pretty, twit) but at least we don't outdo each other in our stupid eulogies. I'm surprised the news anchors don't roll their eyes every time any politician opens their mouth. I think my own news talk show would begin each segment with an elongated "puh-leeze" and would end with "shut the hell up."
Rant over. Really. I promise.
Still unemployed. Rejection. Rejection. Rejection. Mom brought a letter into my room jumping up and down thinking it was a job offer. I told her people don't send job offers by mail--especially when the mailee hasn't even had an interview. Guess who was right. My dad through a tempertantrum when I said I was too sick to attend Pirates III over the weekend and he refused to see the movie either, despite the fact he all ready had bought a ticket. So Mom and Mike went without him. The fact that my presence is essential for his moviegoing enjoyment unnerves me. His attention is beginning to creep me out.
I finished watching the complete Blackadder series (BBC comedy from the 80's). I am so in love with the Elizabethian blackadder. I want him to tuck me under his ruff and run away with me. Yes, he isn't going to win any beauty contests, but intelligence and confidence both trump appearance anytime. And I do adore men in black leather.