I'm really sorry for worrying everyone, I really am. see, me and
B.J. were bored last night and we decided to go out for a little fly and some stargazing, but we ended up falling asleep...and well, we're really really really really sorry we worried everyone.
daddy is not happy with me right now at all, I can see why.
mom's not too happy either but at least she's not freaking out about it. on one hand, I can see why mom and daddy are upset with me, I should've left a note or *not* fallen asleep and came back before everyone woke up (like we had planned...there's only so much stargazing you can do before the sun comes up). on the other hand though, why are they upset about this? it's not like I got lost or kidnapped in the middle of the night by international terrorists.
I don't think I'll ever truly understand parents.
mom actually said I should be punished, thats a new one. so for at least a week I'm not allowed to go out with B.J. at all. harsh! I can see him in school or we can hang out either at my house or his if
kia and
raditz say its okay (I have yet to hear if they were mad at him or not), but no dates. >=( for at least. stupid fine print. that means they can decide to make this punishment longer if they want.
I'm sorry, B.J.