Ohhh, what a night?!?!?

Aug 24, 2003 06:51

Ok...it's 6:52 am according to the iMac here in Clouse's lounge. I am at the music school for the first time in over 6 weeks at the butt crack of dawn, on a freekin' Sunday..Wondering how I got here: good question.......

So I was chatting on the internet after work (avec Nick and Lee, etc., and etc.) Decided to do laundry (it's literally been months)

Met and talked avec Dave on gay.com (hope that's what his name is), said he was going to Bull's...told him I won't be there at 10:30 but I might come eventually...SO I RODE MY FUCKIN' BIKE TO BULL'S...IN BLACK, PLEATHER pants...fuck yeah baby!!!!)

ripped the pants on the way there...couldn't find Davey when I got there at like 12:30 (you still owe me a drink there honey)...Got ridiculously hit on all night (soon realized that I dressed like a whore...not good at bullwinkle's, a little bit of conservatism may be necessary for me there) (I probably could have made some money, if I was in that prostitute kind of mood)

Quasi-danced with some gorgeous boy (it was weird, I can't explain it better than quasi-danced)...what the hell was his name?!? I have to know (he reminded me of Adam Bowling for some reason...strange)

so they kicked me and everyone else out on to the streets...I made a big deal about taking my sweaty shirt off, getting ready to ride my bike home...boys gock...nasty old men try to touch (one even succeeded, fucking perv)...Ran into JC (who's gaysian), who I knew from tennis club...ended up going to some random party (where the girls were much, much more interesting than the boys)...
the hottest boy there was "straight"...and got buff from 5 years in PRISON!!! (i kid you not)

Decided to leave there quickly...so walked with JC and Kate (don't know her last name, but she is the biggest sweety, and she is the only phone # I got the entire night)...

They both fell asleep at their place...I couldn't stand the boredom anymore...rode to the music school...and


Here i am... =)~

As I said...what a night.
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