Nov 03, 2004 05:14
Oh, it's been a long wait and the day finally came. I walked myself down the whole block to my polling site, green envelope in hand. There may have been a line of four people, but I got to bypass it and just drop my envelope off. Well, I'd just like to thank everybody.
First of all, let me thank Chris Mathews, who I believe covered the election for close to thirty hours straight on television. By the end he was nearly delirious, yelling at the Iowa reporter because their results were not ready, then laughing for nearly a minute. I love you, Chris Matthews.
Thanks to the Republican Party, who nominated someone who does not hold their core leadership values at all. Those values, ones that I look up to myself- a strong economy, smaller federal government, and isolationism from war unless absolutely necessary- have all been abandoned, but I guess they stopped caring about all that in 1982.
But most of all, I would like to thank President George Walker Bush. His War on Terror is a joke. Three years later and still we have not captured Osama Bin Laden. We've also lost over 1200 of our best and our brightest, our soldiers, to a country that had nothing to do with it. The administration lied to the American people in order to initiate the war, and then proceeded to send our people over there without proper modern equipment, or even a plan to win the war. Meanwhile, Iran and North Korea are stroking their new nuclear weapons programs without intervention. Our borders are weak, and we've lost most of our allies everywhere. Thank you, Mr. President.
I'd also like to thank the current administration for their incompetent handling of the economy. That is, the worst economy in United States history. I recall hearing somewhere* that we've gone from the largest record surplus in US history to the largest record deficit. You know, working full time I'd almost be able to afford to rent a single room in a house and go to college, but those days are over.
Again, I'd like to thank the President and his administration for teaching us that despite the Clinton administration, it IS okay to lie in office. It's okay to lie about not having to chance to do anything that may have prepared for September 11th. The Clinton Administration did leave them a "list of actionable items" aka "a plan", and they did receive a memo from homeland security stating that Osama Bin Laden was in fact planning to attack inside the United States, but it's quite alright they didn't do anything or tell anyone about it. That whole 9/11 commission was "unnecessary" anyways according to the administration. The President told us that Iraq was a pivotal stop in the War On Terror, having weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Queda, but that turned out to be a lie as well. The only thing Saddam Hussein is a key stop on is the War On Asshole Dictators Who Should Be Shot, which hasn't been announced yet. I can still hope for that war... someday, my friends, someday.
I would like to thank my generation, who really "rocked", "rapped", and "Swedish clock music'ed" the vote this year. And by that, I mean thank you truly for not showing up at all. Despite all the money put into getting you guys to vote, the sheer simplicity of doing so with absentee ballots and all, you still did not show up anymore than last time, which was a lousy ten percent. You know, when P-Diddy takes his mind off of shooting someone for a minute, you'd think that'd garner some attention. Joe Scarborough was right, every election they say the youth is going to show up in droves and every election it's the same damned middle-aged faces. At the polls they were looking at me like I was some kind of alien. "Psst, hey look, it's one of those 'young people'." "Oh, fer crying out loud. Next thing you know, they'll start letting Negroes in here."** On the bright side there was a record turnout from other age groups; I know the Republican Party was particularly worried about the "past 120 years old" vote.
Last, but definitely not least, I'd like to thank my polling site for not checking IDs. My Mom's boyfriend who did not vote by absentee ballot just had to show up with his name and address, nothing else. I'd also like to thank them for failing to buy any cookies at all. You owe me a cookie, damn it!
**Despite being a very dominantly Hispanic neighborhood, the only people I saw at the polls were white. White like the light, never like the night.