
Mar 13, 2009 23:48

Olawd my Glo Xinia twitchy eye is BAAAAAAAAAACK


It's been twitching non-stop since this afternoon. OTL

so yeah- other than that
not much else has been going on lately

Sorry I haven't really stayed in touch around here besides random RAGE-FILLED entries and whatnot. Not really much to update about. :I

tomorrow I'm going to this pancake breakfast thing with Sara, and then babysitting with her. then she's sleeping over WHERE WE CAN ACTUALLY STAY UP PAST ELVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT
yes, her mom makes us go to bed at 11 when I sleep over her house. I know- wat.

and uhhh-
I've been dog-sitting for the past week, too~ my mom's friend, who's like an aunt to me, moved down the street in October- and she just got this little 4 month old Pomeranian puppy last Thursday
he's so cute ;_;
his name is Riley, and he's a friggin' non-stop moving ball of fluff. I have to pick him up so he'll stop moving to get his leash on LMAO
but once we walk around and play, he usually calms down and takes a nap on my lap until I have to go back home. I watch him from 12:45 to 2:00 every week day ♥

$5 a day. *thumbs up*


twitch twitch, real life, mmmm pancakes, i love riley oh my lord ♥, semi-job durrhurr, puppy, chrome-chan~

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