Steamboat Willie

Nov 07, 2002 20:45

"Sometimes less... is more, Joe." -Unknown

I thought life would get better as I got older. I thought I would discover the things they told me I would. They said I'd like girls.. I do, but it's only a downhill path. They said I'd like my vegetables and I still hate them.

They said I would get smarter and be successful.

Well... two out of three ain't bad.

Of course, like usual, I've run into my fair share of grammatical errors today. This time it was an adult, who I guess on a bad day is only comparable to Jesus, because she now seems to hail as almighty. I will try to clarify all of this as much as I possibly can and I want you to remember this: You are the one who makes the decision on whether or not you read my journal and I don't care what you think. With that, read on, faithful readers...

Vegeta6592 (8:08:50 PM): Is Lauren doing okay? Sometimes it seems that my only purpose on this earth is to be lonely and cause other's grief. She wasn't very happy with me earlier.
PrettyNpinK1528 (8:09:36 PM): well you know why... how would you feel if you wrote all that she thought about you in her journal
PrettyNpinK1528 (8:10:09 PM): yep me and mr kerchoff read it and my repesct for you just went into the toliet
PrettyNpinK1528 (8:11:47 PM): right now you arnt to talkative
Vegeta6592 (8:11:50 PM): Well.. Beth really wanted me to say that. Quite frankly, I'm tired of Beth. As long as she gets her way.
Vegeta6592 (8:11:55 PM): Sorry, I was away.
Vegeta6592 (8:12:20 PM): Well.. it is a journal.
PrettyNpinK1528 (8:13:02 PM): you know what bobbie robboie has more tact and back bone then you as he wouldnt let any girl talk him into something so mean
Vegeta6592 (8:13:03 PM): It's your choice on the respect thing, I feel I did my best stopping a bad thing before it got wrose.
PrettyNpinK1528 (8:13:22 PM): a journal is for private .
Vegeta6592 (8:13:38 PM): Some people have different means of expressing their inner feelings.
Vegeta6592 (8:13:45 PM): My journal is on the internet.
PrettyNpinK1528 (8:15:17 PM): that bobbie I guess your rotc teacher woulnt mind hearing my personal thoughts on your journal
Vegeta6592 (8:15:20 PM): I think your generation is slightly different than mine, and mine is different than Lauren's, especially at this stage in her life.
Vegeta6592 (8:16:05 PM): The Master Chief? Well.. it's my first amendment right... and he is the man that fights to keep that right intact.
PrettyNpinK1528 (8:17:36 PM): thats ok i think you are a extermaly rude ad immature young boy. You of course owe lauren an appology as well as mr kerchoff and I . I do hope you have the curtesy for that. You admitted you lied and you are therefore a lier. you are the weekest link!!! Goodbye
Vegeta6592 (8:17:40 PM): And I guess that would also gaurantee your right to not read it, if you see fit.
PrettyNpinK1528 signed off at 8:18:25 PM.

I'm rude? She didn't let me finish my sentence! Oh well... Regardless, let's start psycho-analyzing. I guess it should "Mr. Kerchoff", not, "mr kerchoff", or maybe he wants it that way; not my call to make. Okay, let's get one thing straight from the get-go, my name is spelled, "Bobby", and that is my call to make. My latest English lesson from my previously militarily employed English III Honors teacher: the difference between first, second, and third person subject/nominative and object pronouns and how to use them. In the case that it was used here, "You of course owe lauren an appology as well as mr kerchoff and I ", the correct form the pronoun, "I" should be "me". "Why?", you ask? Because it is in the object part of the sentence. An easier way to think about it is to say just "I", instead of using the compound noun. You wouldn't say, "You of course owe lauren an appology as well as I", would you? Let's not go into the fact that apology is spelled incorrectly, and that "of course" is misplaced in the sentence, and that punctuation seems to be a foreign concept to this person. Although in the end, none of this is even comparable to the fact that I am a "lier" and the "weekest" link. That completely saves me from everything else! How lucky of a man am I to be?

Run to Mr. Royston. Your daughter got hurt, big deal. I've been hurt way more than that. People need to learn to deal with it. Damn folks... this is a journal! This is my way of venting. Give me a break.

For the first time in my life I am enjoying taking something I learned in an english class and applying it to everyday life.
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