ricky, originally uploaded by
I'm jumping through different portals to post this image, i realised that i have a few too many locations where i post work. I guess its all in the game.
I've now quit my job in retail. This marks a huge changing point in my life because it means i'm focusing completely on my real career. I'm scheduling myself every day so that i produce more work and in the process, develop new ways to art. Its quite daunting but incredibly liberating. I dont really trust myself because i'm prone to procrastination, but so far i'm doing better than i expected. I'm drawing every day, this time last year i would pick up a pencil once every week or so. I'm teaching myself illustrator aswell. This piece obviously isnt the result, but hopefully the next one will be.
I still need a bit of help on my website. Does anyone know how to work with Iframes in terms of embedding a wordpress blog? If you take a look on my webpage, the blog is framed within the page, which means theres too many scroll bars.
Here is my site.If anyone could help, i would greatly appreciate it.