Jul 03, 2004 01:31
So I'm mad about something. Zee has a boyfriend, and he isn't funny, and he isn't romantic, and he isn't cute, and he's corny, and he isn't rich. I don't see what the hell she see's in him unless she plans on marrying him after the next 11 years after his fucking Ph.D.
And the kid, is just a complete idiot. Doesn't talk about anything worth while or funny, so I don't even know what he talks about. He's just loyal and convenient. He better have the ifle tower and viagra in his pants.
So last night me and Lauren and this kid Eric went out and smoked a bowl of this good shit. Didn't taste or smell good, but it got us high real nice. Then we went to Denny's and got like charged for only 2/3 milkshakes and stuff. And I should have wrote this yesterday. Oh yeah a cop was at the exit of this place checking someone's car, so as we were stoned we got lost in this maze of a parking lot. I was like haha wtf omg lol haha. And we got lost in Dustin's neighborhood and I knew where I was going cause I saw the place after and I thought I didn't so we left, and I was like DOH!
So today I met up with Zee and her bf... err.. idiot... who just laughed at everything I said cause he knew it would score points with her because it was funny and she knew it was >.<. We saw Farenheit 9/11, it was so true and there was nothing false about it (I read up on politics because well, I don't party every minute of my life.), and it was utterly hilarious. So worth the money, worth double the money. Then Zee got really hungry and even got up and bought the popcorn and drink. I was being a lazy fatass and was gonna get it before then she was like no, so I was like now I'm not doing it. And her boyfriend is a complete fucking ass, and when she asked him to go get it, he's like "I'm not your bitch." I also should have mentioned he's like anti-gentlemen. And his failed attempt to hold hands with her... >.< ugh. Zee deserves better. Then we walked to like the end of the Oasis and sat down and talked about the most random shit and it was hilarious for like... 2 hours, then we had to walk to the Valet cause mommy was picking me up there and they left and I waited for 5 minutes, but as we walked away from where we were sitting we realized there was an old black lady reading... right behind the little wall thing on the sit down thingy. And like... we made a few racist comments, so we were like Oh shnap! But I played it off and was like "no we didn't say anything bad..." Err I just really don't like her boyfriend. He really does not give a fuck, and he tried making her feel bad by saying that he spends like 100 bucks a month on her, what a fag, it's part of life, what does he think he's prostituting her? 'Cause it wasn't hard for me to figure out that he's only in it for the sex. Any jesture he made was to lack up for his humor throughout the night, or to grab her boobs. He didn't even pay for her pretzel, what a twat. I'd understand if it was mutual... but he doesn't do anything. He's a lazy shlub. He is incredibly smart, which only makes him dumber. I'm smart and I'm still not a corny retard with nothing but being politically correct on my mind. I kept interrupting him to make him stfu, and when I'd look over at her we'd both look at each other when he's talking and laugh because we both know he's an idiot. I think she enjoys having the pleasure of mocking him, and that he's in ROTC. Big deal :\. I think she should meet up with him in 11 years and be like "remember me? let's get married."
- Later, David.