This week plain sucks .....

Nov 14, 2007 13:22

My post yesterday was ill though out.  Most on my LJ knew immediately who I was talking about without my ever using names.  It never occured to me I was sharing someone else's information without their permission.  So my apologies.  She is doing much better today.  Then damn hospital still has not gotten her into a room, but she is now in the "to be admitted" portion of the emergency room!  So I guess progress is being made.  When I arrived yesterday she immediately woke up and said "Kitty-Cat" and immdiately started crying.  She was hungry, they were being mean and not feeding her (they couldn't since they don't know what's wrong with her) and she was cold.  Well, the cold part I could handle and I immediately marched up to the nurses desk and demanded, of a very nice looking male nurse, some blanks for her.  I got them.  She was in and out most of the afternoon, but she is better than I thought I would find her.

My new boss is absolutely incredible!!!  When I showed up this morning he demanded to know why the heck I had come in.  "You should be at the hospital with your sister."  I told him there was nothing I could really do but sit and watch her sleep and hold her hand when she fussed, and that I was better off working.  He responded with "If you need to leave, you get up and leave don't worry about anything, if she needs you, you go."  He's stopped by my desk at least 3 times, repeating that message.  It's very nice to feel I am doing such a great job that he is willing to allow me to go at will should I need to!

On the dating front *sigh* .... can I just say .... most men fucking suck ass and are cowardly weenies???  I clarify, "most men" .... What is it with these guys that they come on hot and heavy and interested, and either 1) if you don't sleep with them on the first or second dates they disappear OR 2) they get so scared off over my agressive personality that they scamper away into the shadows!  I don't get it.  I am NOT a patient person, by any stretch of the imagination and maybe this is just the UNIVERSE screaming my life's lesson "LEARN TO BE STILL"!!!!  It's frustrating and depressing all at the same time.

Now I could have had sex many times over with nearly all of these guys I have met, but that is so not my style.  I can't seem to get over the whole, I must feel that "fire in my gut" about someone to open that most sacred of places to anyone.  Well that fire in my gut is few and far between.  I keep thinking maybe I need to lower my standards -- but no that would be MOVING and I'm not gonna do that.  Or that I just need to get over this whole casual sex thing and just go for broke and have a wild time. -- but again no.... it's gotta be right for me and I don't really care (when I'm not feeling sorry for Hope who's not having any orgasms until I do) what anyone else wants.

Yeah, my friend Hope (Hopebrat here) has gone on an orgasm hiatus until I get to have one.  I feel really bad for her and her Daddy does say that if she gets too bitchy he will take away that deal she made with me.  Now talk about sisterly love!!!  But I do feel badly for her (not for me of course) that all these men are flakes!!!!

Anyway, I've been having a really bad day today, but it's gotten much better since I went to lunch with my friends from the old office (we are still employed with the same firm they just got stuck over in a different building than me when we moved over the weekend).  It was nice to hear them bantering back and forth and I miss them very much.  This newest upheaval in my life (the move of the office) seems to have hit me pretty hard.  Just when I think I am getting my feet back on solid ground again, it shifts...... Well, its not been boring by any stretch of the imagination.

So I'm walking into my office this morning, or I should say walking into my cubical and I get a text message.  It says "chin up amazon warrior."  It's from Conrad.  And I burst into tears and rush for the bathroom.  Just type it here gets me going again.  He's such an amazing friend and we walked so many miles together that there is still such a connection that 10 miles away from each other (I am no longer in downtown LV) he can still dial into my emotional state.

Hugs and Love to All
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