Dec 01, 2004 09:51
Okay. I shall update you all with whats going on in my life.
starting with the most recent.....
For those of you who don't know....I have a boyfriend! It's been 5 months since my last one. Holy cow. But I think thats good. or on the other hand that could be really bad. Either I am really picky, wasn't ready, or just WAY TOO FRICKIN UGLY!!! I think It might be more of the last two though. lol. SO yah, his name is Kody Atkin. He is a junior, way hot, about 6 inches taller than me, blonde, plays football, baseball, treats me very nice, my parents love him, I'm getting my own phone because we talk too much, and just sbout everything else I could possibly need right now.(sigh)....with the exception of a bit a bit of baggage......"freshman girls are gay". (well most of them) But all is good.(She's lucky I'm as nice as I am). Ok moving on. It's been 16 days now, but I've liked him since the Cedar City trip in September.(When he opened that hotel door in his towel.....that's when I knew there was for sure a God!)(yes...that nice ladies...well....and kinda guys I guess). I hope this turns out well.
Play stuff....Just a lot of late night and afterschool practices. lack of sleep.....a lot of dancing....=a lot of pain....but I'm a klutz so what else is new.(DAMN YOU WEAK ANKLES!!!)
Dont have lines memorized for other play for little kids......ummm...must work on that!.....but Its ok. I'm mostly memorized.(cough cough).
Dance stuff....OMG! Thats all Im going to say on that one. I owe the co. breakfest. SO NOT FAIR! but I'll suck it up!. we perform next saturday.....but thats a whole nother thing in itself. ha ha ha ha . have an appointment comming up soon to see if I'll be able to have kids or not. (PRAY FOR ME GUYS)I love kids sooo much. I want to be able to waddle like a duck one day.
other than that...its nice to hear from you guys now and then...keep me up to date with all the important stuff.
well thats all for me. love you guys! BUB-BYE