Sweet lord I do love the Golden Globes....
I've been so busy with school - more so life - in general this week... I guess since my surgery *cringes* is Wednesday, I've been kind of getting my ducks in order as far as getting school stuff done, paying bills, getting scared shitless, spending lots of time with the boy, getting scared shitless, hahah... and savoring every sweet kiss so i'll have something to think about when going under the knife... course i will be asleep... but you know what i mean... i had a fabulous last weekend of bliss though before my 6 weeks of recovery starts..... Dan took me to The Keg for dinner which was FABULOUS... I heart the Keg so much .... You can see a pretty photo under the cut.....
First of all.... The O.C. thursday oh my god... hahah... I've told Dan that I request my new nickname be "Peaches" lol.. Why? I have beautiful breasts like Taylor and its an adorable nickname. End of Story. I'm also kinda not so much liking the dragging that is the Seth & Summer story-line..... They need to just wrap that one up....
And God is giving a Prison Break related Birthday present this year... If you've seen the previews for the January 22nd (my birthday) show you saw the GORGEOUS hot and steamy kiss between Michael and Sara... holy sweet lord am I going to be trying to flail but giving up in pain due to my stomach having a massive incission healing .... *eek*
But yes.... Enough about the boy.... 2007 Golden Globes.... This is perhaps my favorite award show... Like don't get me wrong I love the Academy Awards.... BUT... Golden Globe has more nomination categories (including the tv shows) ect. So yah... I love it.. and all the pretty people....
So Yah... Maybe Incase you recorded the Globes or something, I'll make an LJ cut to avoid spoilerish... OH and there's a cute pic underneath hehe...
So.... best Supporting Actor I REALLY wanted Justin Kirk (Andy on Weeds) to win... Because I love Weeds and all things Weeds.... I'm still watching it now so I dont know yet if Mary-Louise Parker (Nancy on Weeds) will win like she did last year but I oh so hope she does.... But then I also wanted Jeremy Piven to win cause he's Ari and Entourage and I love Entourage with all my heart too... But then Jeremy Irons won... AND he went and patted Kevin Connoly on the back (who plays Eric) and yah Kevin had to point to Jeremy and hahaha stupid Jeremy Irons didn't even know which one Jeremy Piven was.....
I'm boycotting Dreamgirls just cause i don;t know.. all the hype and 'lets make an academy award movie' and beyonce cause i seriously dislike her.. BUT i was very excited for Jennifer Hudson... because she looks like she deserves it...
George Clooney... fuck you're gorgeous and I would still have sex with you even tho you're old enough to be my father....
Sacha Baron Cohen - je tadore.... him and Isla Fischer are amazingly cute together....
I don't care what people think.... I LOVE Sienna Miller and I think she's gorgeous and she looks phenomenal tonite.. very goddess like ....
Best TV Series Drama! So Weeds was my first choice - OF course - Entourage & Ugly Betty a close second.... I was SHOCKED that Ugly Betty one... I love it... But I expected an HBO or Showtime show to win as per usual... which would have been ok cause it would have been Weeds or Entourage... But YAY for Ugly Betty :) They deserve it :D And the cast looked wonderful!
Best Actress COMEDY! Gah... I wanted Mary Louise Parker SO bad... BUT now I'm SO happy America Ferrara won... hehe She's so cute and I love her and she totally deserved that! hehe... Mary-Louise Parker had the honour last year :)
Warren Beaty's speech... at the end when he was talking about Annette.... awwwwww.... I want a man ( if mine isnt him ) thats gonna say that 30 years from now....
SACHA BARON COHEN I LOVE THEE.... how adorable was he tonite? I love him.... And his speech had me in tears I was laughing so hard....
Kinda suprised Leo didn't win for best actor..... Forest Whitaker is so humble and adorable .... I love speeches when people genuinely believe they weren't gonna win...
Damn you Dreamgirls.... Borat should have won :(
Babel... meh... no interest in the movie.. not really caring that it one best drama... actually there wasn't even a best drama i was rooting for ....
Overall... it was a good Golden Globes.. with some definate surprises!
Just a few pics to close off the annual 2007 Golden Globes Post
Sienna Looking Beautiful - i love her dress
Very VERY happy for Ugly Betty who looked not so ugly tonite.. she looked wonderful !
Lastly, My Love, Sacha Baron Cohen
Lastly? Best Boyfriend Award goes to...
Voila! Till next years I guess.....