Had a nostalgic moment last night. It has been nine years (!) since I joined LJ with
boonies and about seven years since I've gotten my own. (I feel tragically old.)
My LJ account has mostly been used to lurk about in various fandoms, but I think I will officially resurrect it; LJ works well as a playground for fandom flailings and random assorted geekeries, and maybe I should clutter LJ instead of San's inbox. So, with that in mind, here's my first fandom-related news:
My new (but scorching) love, Breaking Bad, received seven Emmy nominations this morning. I am basically praying everyday until mid-August for Aaron Paul to win (best supporting actor in a drama). He deserves it, but this being Lost's final year, there is a chance that Terry O'Quinn or Michael Emerson would win instead. They're all very worthy, but it will break my heart into little bits if Paul doesn't get his this time around.
The Pacific was nominated for a crazy number of Emmys, but none for acting. My favourite character (Hoosier) or the actor (Jacob Pitts) from the show didn't have substantial screen time for any nomination whatsoever, so this doesn't hurt me as much. What does hurt me a little is a complete lack of Justified. I thought Walton Goggins may get a nod, even if Timothy Olyphant (who is awesome and wears jeans how God intended 'em to be worn) doesn't.
...It is entirely possible that I watch way too much TV.