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May 20, 2010 18:01

went to oxfam today to buy a book not exactly earth shattering news I grant you. But I find it difficult to buy them, because I can't decide what Genre I want to read or which authors. I go through phases of authors like my recent Patricia Cornwell one. While her books are great they are not easy read out of sequence, the main stories in each book are normally stand alone but the sub plots are part of a wider story connecting past books. So it's hard to know whats happening and why. Needles to say I stopped reading them. I love Anne Rice but I've read all The Vampire Chronicles and all of the new tales of the vampire series, I didn't like the mayfair wiches series so didn't bother with most of them and I have no interest in her latest projects which are very christian based. Almost all the books i've read recently haven't held my interest long enough to finish them all accept 'Nineteen Minutes' by Jodie Picoult. So I've decide to read her back catalogue, in Oxfam today I bought My sisters keeper, This would have been that last title i would have bought had they had any more of her books( call it an irrational fear of anything even vaguely related to Cameron Diaz) but you never know it may just be awesome.

I watched the Aristocrats DVD yesterday, it was ok but not the laugh out loud fun fest it was meant to be. Certainly not for anyone easily offended which I'm not thankfully all, though I do hate the use of the C word and they did use that A LOT! the joke itself is not funny and it goes a little something like this

A man walks into a talent agency and says " I have this great act, it's a sure fire crowd pleaser" The Talent scout says " Ok tell me about it" The man excitedly says " My wife and i come one stage and we both shit in a bucket, then she tips the bucket onto the floor and tap dances onto the mess while whistling "God save the Queen" The talent scouts says "Not really what were looking for, but what's your act called?" The man replies "we're The Aristocrats"

Not funny right? but the whole point is the teller of the joke has to make act the most hideous, rude, nasty, filthy joke they can anything goes as long as they stick to the same basic premise the idea that it's a pitch to a talent agency and finish with "We're the Aristocrats". I embelished my version a little.comedians get together and see who can gross out each other the most. Some of the variations on the DVD were of the OMG can't believe you just said that variety. I can actually see how getting together with buddies and telling this joke would be fun.

I'm not the biggest Country music fan in the world, some of it I do like though. Two weeks ago Country star Chely Wright made the brave step to come out, she is the first country music singer to do so. Yesterday she was on Oprah talking about it. Oprah asked her how she feel now? and she answred that she felt like she was just 2 week old. Apparnetly only 2 other country singers have been in contact with hr since the announcment, I hope one of them was Shania Twain. The part of the intreview that I watched made me cry. check it out.

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