He's back!!

Sep 04, 2009 19:24

Spud is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( wot? Too much?)
He walked into the conservatory ( gave my mum such a fright) like nothing was up lol. He's still really jumpy and nervy though. Plus he ate like a horse, like he hadn't seen food in ages. He looked really well, his coat was it's usual glossy,silky self. I gave him so many kisses and then told him not to worry me like that ever again yup I am officially crazy cat lady. Thanks for all your god wishes peeps :O)

I've joined in the campaign for equal marriage rights. It's called NOH8. Basically supporters of equal marriage laws take photo's of themselves with their mouths covered in gaffa tape and have the witting NOH8 on their cheek. The tape symbolises the fact that we aren't being heard on this issue. The professional shot's use grey tape and the NOH is in black while the 8 is red. I didn't have grey tape nor did I have a red pen so i just used an eyebrow pencil. I'm really not photogenic in the slightest but still happy with how the pic turned out. It's an American campaign but it's still very rel event to the UK as we don't have equal marriage laws. Civil partnership are NOT the same. I liken it to Black people in the 60's being able to ride the bus but have to sit up the back. Rosa Parks didn't stand for that shit neither should we. Obviously it's a step in the right direction but we still have a ways to go. The campaign can be found here


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