Random thoughts to satisfy patty's wish.

Dec 31, 2008 21:09

Since I can't really think straight. And i can't think of anything intelligent to say. here are random thoughts.
Don't try to understand it too much. :)

2009 plans.
Project Analog.
Analog Camera. Two for one boy. The panoramic view. Nice. Going to use it for next year.
- Documentation. Everyday. (really?) Every week? (Asa) Once a month?! (maybe)who knows. basta.
Documentation using ANALOG CAMERA.
(7 years is too long for an object to be kept in a box.)
(expensive. oh yeah. Very.)

Project SeBo.
Time to get fit. (never happened in the previous year) Goin' to start now... 2009.
Inspiration to do this. Run Fat BOY RUN. Oh yeah.

Simon Pegg.
You rock.

Project TaBo.
Time to get tall? (haha never happened) but if Migs grew... so can I. hahaha (summer '09 here we come.)

Other shit to get through
Creative juices flowing? hopefully.
New music. Definitely.
Get a band? Form one? hahaha I've tried. failure. (Note to self: never collaborate with classmates)
Get famous? oh yeah. hmmmm..... interesting thought.

*end of  random thoughts for 2009*
OK that's all I got for 2009. Here we go again. 2008 is over. wasn't the best but it wasn't bad. Yun lang.

SABOG the whole year.
thus, No more sabogness. (asa)

O ito na patty, post ko for 2008. Happy? hahaha  I just heard you say,  "Do it na or i'll kill you!" (9:59pm) Obviously it was directed to pamy.
(18 weeks na since last post.)

(WEIRD. PB is writing his entry while I'm writing this one. He's just beside me. hahaha)

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