Books/websites for Already Sick Vegans?

Jan 23, 2012 05:30

I have a pretty bad chronic illness at the moment that's taking me years/months to even get having manageable days. I've lost something like 40 pounds with it too so now my drs are all concerned I'm severely underweight. I started drinking the Vega protein powder shakes I've seen recommended here but they haven't really made me gain anything. Also when I'm having really bad days I'm unable to leave the house to go buy groceries let alone cook anything for myself. Luckily we live in NYC and I can always find something that can be delivered and is doable. My biggest worry though is my different drs. along with the nurses there keep telling me that my diet is holding me back from recovering as fast as I'd like to. I take supplements, including a ton of acidophilous to try and balance out all the antibiotics but they say simply by not eating animal products I'm missing out on nutrients that my body needs to heal. Obviously I know the medical industry is biased to the idea of veganism as a whole so I just straight up tell them no, I could never do that so considering it's not even an option. But does anyone know of any books or websites I could look into for vegan health and/or wellness? Not to stay or become healthy (which is all I've found) but rather for people who're already sick and wish to stay on a vegan diet -something that could include things like advice, tips, maybe even comparisons to how overall healing on the standard American diet isn't any better. I was just curious if there's anything like that out there or if in fact they may be right and I may just have to eventually take a break. I've been on IV antibiotics for roughly 17 months now and before that was just taking multiple pills every 2 hours a day, every day. I've made some remarkable progress but I just want to do everything I can to eventually get off all these drugs, you know? As the bad days get worse, I lose hope, and feel so desperate. I just want to know if I'm still doing the right thing. I can't be a help anywhere if I can't even live a normal life at the moment.

Sorry if I bummed anyone out! Not my intention. Thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction.


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