Hi everyone, on March 1st I opened my own etsy shop,
BEadETHICAL. Right now most of what I'm putting up is stuff I've had around for a few years, but I've got a few new AR/Veganism themed items up, and more in the works. I try to use a lot of second hand & recycled materials, fair trade, too. And of course, no animal products.
I'm donating 25% of my gross sales to the
Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary in Willow, NY, up to $250 US, and the next $250 will go to the
Beagle Freedom Project. It probably will take a couple years to get to the next in line, but do you have any suggestions for who I should donate to after that?
There's only 19 items up at the moment, but I'm slowly adding more. Thanks for letting me share. I would appreciate any feedback you might have on items, pricing, descriptions, anything. Constructive criticism will be a huge help. :] Thanks!
(Oh I also have a
facebook page for my shop, with announcements, banter, a gallery of items for sale, sold, & gifted, and previews of stuff to be listed.)