Dec 06, 2010 19:30
This is hard to ask.
I joined this community a long time ago with the intention of asking about people's travel rules.
Alas, my travel plans got postponed but they're back on the table now.
A close friend of mine on her recent trip to Vietnam found it near impossible to maintain her diet, getting her self to the often speculated scenario "Your gracious and amazing host offers you food prepared in their kitchen, it's incredibly rude to decline and they won't take 'no' for an answer"
Another friend in France, staying with a host family finally caved with the intention (and I do believe them) of returning to their usual diet when she get's home.
A vegetarian friend of mine recently regaled me with a horror story about an almost identical scenario where she had chicken for the first time in years and spent two days siiiick.
I'm not trying to justify any future choices I make by saying other vegans do it.
We all do the best we can. And I've turned a blind eye to sugar because a family member with the best intention didn't know any better. My best isn't always the best.
I don't want to cause "How dare you call yourself vegan?!" comments.
But I do want honest answers.
Do y'all think a poll would allow members to answer more candidly?
Are you willing to fess up to some occasional trip-ups when abroad?
I would love some perspective and actual accounts of how you handled these situations and how you were received as a vegan abroad.