Hi folks! You may remember several months ago I posted about a project I was working on. Sadly one of the people doing it left, which made us grind to a halt (since he had all the code on his servers). Anyway, after an additional team member and lots of hard work I present to you all:
Wiki Veganica!
There's not much there now, but please sign up and edit! Wikipedia was not built in a day!
If you would like to work on this project more in depth than an average user, please let me know (especially any tech oriented folks, graphic designers, and highly organized persons). Also if creating and editing pages is too hard/too much work for you but you have things you think should be in there (letters from companies about if things are vegan, well-researched info, etc.), please also send those my way!
I have wanted a community-edited vegan wiki for years so now here we go!