MOD POST: Accusatory Posts

Sep 04, 2009 20:19

Hey everyone, as you may have noticed, we've had some more posts accusing someone of a serious crime, and they've been deleted. The last time this happened, us mods decided that since this is such a serious matter, we don't want to allow these posts without serious consideration and discussion with us mods. When the only evidence the accuser has to offer is hearsay, it is dangerous for us to allow anyone to post just anything.

We understand that in certain communities the justice system is not trusted, and spreading hearsay around the internet is one of few ways the accusers have of stopping the person. The problem is that anyone can say anything, and when someone is falsely accused, not only can they sue for libel, but very often their reputation is still ruined. We decided that we don't want to be a party to this. If there is enough evidence of wrongdoing, by all means, bring it to us mods, and we'll help you get the word out. Unfortunately for everyone involved, however, hearsay is not enough, and allowing such posts sets a dangerous precedent.

The last time this happened, moderators were accused of being rape apologists. That couldn't be further from the truth. We simply agree on innocent until proven guilty. We want proof, plain and simple. If you want to call me names, go right ahead. I'll just pass them on to the men that sexually assaulted me. I'll let them know that you think I'd do my best to protect them.


-Your loving mod, lavajin
Here is more on this subject from another mod of ours, bitspike:

We have removed three posts in the past day which discuss rape allegations toward an individual. While we have repeatedly stated that such posts are not permitted in this community, and that any questions about appropriateness of such content should be discussed over in the moderator community*, these posts keep appearing. It is clear that we need to explicitly state this in a separate entry. So:

If you have criminal accusations about anyone, whether they are a member of this community or otherwise, we do not feel that it is appropriate content for this community unless you can provide sufficient evidence** for this. We understand that such information is intended to help increase safety within the activist community, but we feel the potential justice resulting from such posts does not justify the potential for innocent lives to be ruined as a result of such allegations.

If you are considering posting any defamatory allegations about individuals or groups, speak with the moderators about it* first. This applies for all cases. As moderators we are responsible for the content within this community and we are not prepared to take responsibility for hearsay allegations. We do not want to resort to setting the community to moderated posting, but we will consider it if this continues.

Additionally, while no moderator should need to actually state this because it is obvious, having a 'I bet the moderators will delete this soon but I'm going to post anyway' attitude is not going to help your cause, and will result in a warning (or banning) and your post's deletion.

If you have any questions or concerns about the way this community is being moderated, please discuss it with us in the moderator community*.

We now return to your regularly scheduled program.

* To post an entry to the moderator community, go to the vpmods userinfo page and click on the blue pencil to the top right of the screen. You do not have to be a member to post. If you ever forget, there is a link on both the veganpeople and the vpmods info pages.

** By 'provide sufficient evidence' I mean bringing information to the moderator community for discussion and that moderators are the ones who make the final decision on what is appropriate content for the community.

-controversial topics, *admin

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