Home demo reports World Week for Animals in Labs - GSK, Vanguard, Bank of NY Mellon

Apr 24, 2009 18:49

Philadelphia Animal Defense League (ADL) took to the streets yet again as part of an ongoing campaign against animal exploitation and in solidarity with other groups around the world participating in World Week for Animals in Labs.

Thousands of innocent non-human animals are suffering needlessly and cruelly every day in laboratories around the world for no reason other than profit. The cure for our illnesses and the lines of what is and is not safe for humans will never be found in other species, because the smallest genetic differences between our species and theirs make all testing on them pointless. Even if it worked, it will still be morally abhorrent. Animal abuse in laboratories must end!

The worst offender of animal abuse in laboratories is Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) which has been caught in 7 separate undercover investigations to be killing 500 animals a day, punching puppies in the face, doing drugs on the job, getting drunk on lunch break, falsifying data and just plain being terrible human beings. With this kind of track record, they have no right to open their doors every day, so we took to the streets to do our part to shut them down and drive them further into their already exorbitant debt.

Demo #1 - Home of Lisa Detwiler, Corporate Lawyer - Bank of New York Mellon

First up was Lisa Detwiler, the corporate lawyer of Bank of New York Mellon. Their company owns over 26,000 shares of stock in HLS. As if animal abuse occurring every day isn’t bad enough, the fact that Bank of New York Mellon is trying to profit from it just makes it worse. We spent a noisy 45 minutes across the street from Lisa’s high-rise, posh apartment building. Neighbors and passers-by were very interested in knowing that someone on their street was earning a living by investing in animal abuse.

Your neighbors know all about your dirty secrets now, Lisa. Drop HLS, and we’ll leave you alone. This was our first visit to your home, but it won’t be the last. Not as long as you and your cronies at Bank of New York Mellon keep investing in animal torture and murder.

Demo #2 - Home of James Cecere, Asset Manager - Vanguard

Just around the corner from our first location was the apartment of James Cecere, asset manager of Vanguard Group. Vanguard is the second largest shareholder in HLS, with over 280,000 shares of blood money. Trying to make a quick buck off of the exploitation of non-human animals is unacceptable, James.

Your friends in your apartment building aren’t very clever, either. First, they came out to tell us that you had moved. When we pointed out that your name is on the buzzer for the third floor, they changed their story. Next, they tried to say that you no longer worked for Vanguard. When they couldn’t tell us who you supposedly work for now, we knew the truth: you asked them to get us to go away, didn’t you? We weren’t buying it. And when they tried to get the cops to make us go away, they weren’t very happy with hearing “Sorry, first amendment rights.” For once, the cops didn’t interfere with our rights on behalf of the animal abusers. Sorry!

By the way, your neighbors in the next building were majorly pissed off that you brought this into their neighborhood while they were trying to watch a hockey game. It’s lonely killing puppies, isn’t it? Drop HLS. We’ll disappear, and your neighbors would love that.

Demo #3 - Home of John Ameriks, Senior Investment Analyst - Vanguard

Just down the street was another puppy killer, so we went there next. John Ameriks is probably James Cecere’s boss. John gets to decide how Vanguard invests its money to profit on the stock market, and he apparently thought it would be a good idea to buy some shares of HLS. Bad move, John. Their stock price falls daily, they’re millions of dollars in debt, and their entire existence is immoral - at best.

Drop HLS (LSR) from the Vanguard investment roster. We know you have the power to make that call, John. The people on the street were extremely interested in learning everything they could about you, and we’re quite certain you are now the least popular person on your street. Dozens of cars stopped to get information, people honked horns in support, the employees at businesses nearby came out to ask how they could support our cause, and some of your neighbors said they were going to have a word with you. Which is easier - dealing with all of that, or dropping just one company from your investments at Vanguard? Cut your ties with HLS. Make the call, John.

Demo #4 - Home of Stacie Calad, Scientist - GlaxoSmithKline

By this point, two civil affairs officers had arrived on the scene to replace the beat cop who had responded to neighbor’s phone calls, and everything was quite laid back. None of the fuzz were trying to give us any grief, and we had 2 legal observers with the 6 of us, so we felt emboldened to go around the corner and visit the worst person in the neighborhood: Stacie Calad.

Stacie is a scientist at GlaxoSmithKline, a research company based in Philadelphia and the single largest customer of HLS. Without GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), HLS simply could not operate any longer. We felt it imperative to let Stacie know what we think of the delicate relationship between these two companies and just how important it is that GSK forever disassociate itself with HLS. HLS’ entire existence is framed around killing, and there is no reason for them to exist and do what they do. Stacie, do the right thing by helping us to get GSK to drop HLS. Help us close these monsters down once and for all. You have the power to be a hero.

We were only outside your apartment for a short time, but we made a hell of a lot of noise, we handed out a lot of fliers, and we had some great talks with neighbors. Looks like you won’t be very popular at any neighborhood parties. Regain their trust by dropping HLS. Cut your ties, and we’ll go away. Keep it up, and we’ll be back.

We enjoy the fact that animal abusers typically live very close to one another. It makes protesting them easier.

Lisa, James, John & Stacie: World Week for Animals in Labs is not over, but the demonstrations outside your homes can be. Drop HLS for good. It’s your move. Will you make the right one?


Disclaimer: Philly Animal Defense League (Philly ADL) is not affiliated or associated with Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) Global, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty USA (SHAC USA), Hugs for Puppies (Humane League of Philadelphia) or any other group or organization and does not conduct or incite any illegal or unethical activity. The above information is not meant to incite or request any illegal actions or illegal activities of any kind. If you have any questions about the legality of any act, we encourage everyone receiving this (or the) action alert(s) to check your local laws and ordinances before proceeding to do anything.



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