I realize this topic might be a little TMI for some people, but I find it raises an interesting moral question when it comes to veganism.
While I have abstained from eating meat for years now, I own 2 dogs who I will prepare a fresh meal for once a week. Generally this meal will include some veggies, rice, and meat. Dogs naturally eat meat and I do not want to deprive my companion animals of their natural right. I have heard this is fairly common among vegan pet owners, but in any case, this is not the point of contention.
Last weekend my friend informed me about a unique masturbation method he had come upon in which a piece of chicken is used to simulate a vagina. The basic idea is to take a defrosted chicken breast, cut a deep slit in it, microwave it for 60 seconds, and enjoy.
After having performed the act I felt a little strange about having used this chicken breast for this purpose. Had I disrespected the chicken in some way? Was this wrong? Afterwards I thoroughly rinsed it off and used it in the dogs' dinner. I didn't contribute to the killing of another animal because it was already going to be used for the second purpose anyway (kind of like the freegan excuse).
I know we often hear the very stupid sex related question, "Is it vegan to eat semen!?" Well I've got a new one. Is it vegan to masturbate with an animal product?