Four Animal Rights Activists Are Arrested - Federal authorities say they have arrested four animal rights activists in connection with incidents involving University of California researchers.
read the rest of the article here *****
Today's corporate-sponsored and government-approved definition of the word "TERRORISM":
. ringing someone's doorbell
. peacefully demonstrating (protesting with signs and chants) outside of a home (this is not illegal in the state in question - protests followed all local laws)
. wearing a bandanna on your face (also not illegal)
. "hitting" one of the targeted researchers (the story heard through the grapevine is that he may have accidentally been hit on the hand with a paper flier as he chased the activists down the street - he was obviously uninjured by the menacing paper flier and did not require hospitalization haw haw)
. fliering a coffee shop with information on the campaign, the targets, and some of said targets' personal contact information, all of which was freely available online previously, from non campaign sources.
Yes, folks, for the heinous unthinkable non-crimes listed above, 4 of our comrades have been arrested and face AETA (Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act) charges. For those of you not familiar with this insidious piece of legislation - it's new, it's gone unused until now (though clearly they were anxious to pop its cherry), and it basically puts the crackdown on animal activists (legal, peaceful or not) just like as if they were flying planes into buildings or blowing themselves up in crowded schoolyards.
With this kind of corporate-interest-protecting repression, the lunch counter protesters of the US civil rights movement would have been dealt with as enemy combatants and locked away for good with a quick utterance of the "T" word. No exaggeration.
If you didn't read this post due to length then maybe consider going back and reading it, please.
***>>>URGENT: We need phone calls to the jail at this phone number: 704 353 0871 requesting that Nathan Pope and Adriana Stumpo be provided vegan meals while they're being held. Please explain what VEGAN means to the person you talk to, should they seem any bit unclear on what a vegan meal would entail.
Jail support contact info will be given for the other 2 prisoners once it becomes available.
yes, I now see the other posts on this topic - I'm leaving this up, though, as this is big. huge. and everyone needs to know that if this case is lost, it could spell the end of the aboveground animal rights movement and have dire consequences for the animals.