Jan 20, 2009 11:23
I have been a vegetarian for almost twenty years and it was my new year's resolution to become vegan. I started working on it a few months ago. I just joined this community last week. Here is the big question that I could spend a bunch of time researching, or I could just ask all you veteran vegans:
What's up with vitamin B-12?
I don't take supplements and would like to keep things that way. I know in the past I read somewhere that lacto-ovo vegetarians were cool with B-12, but not so much with vegans. It seems like I also remember reading you could get B-12 from potato, carrot, and other root skins. So I have made it a point in the new year not to skin my potatoes and carrots.
So I'm sure there are a lot of opinions on the subject and I have no doubt you all will share them with me. Can vegans get enough B-12 from their diet without supplements? What's the worst that can happen if we don't? Should I just continue doing what I am doing unless I start feeling weird, sad, yucky.........?
At the moment I have no signs of depression and feel perfectly normal.
Oh, I should mention that I do grow a garden every year, so I am in control of how much my fresh vegetables get washed during the growing season. I live in rural Kentucky, so there's no growing anything right now. My computer is telling me that it is currently fourteen degrees outside. Yes you folks overseas, it really does normally get that cold in Kentucky. Last week there was a low of -1. LOL ......