FUR FREE FRIDAY in Washington, DC, Friday Nov. 28th!

Nov 12, 2008 13:34

Mark Your Calendars: Fur Free Friday demos in Washington DC are gonna be enormously awesome!

(reposted from facebook here.)

Friday, November 28, 2008

12:00pm - 2:00pm

Andriana's Furs

4400 Jenifer St NW

Washington, DC

Contact InfoEmail:

We invite you to speak out for the innocent souls which never experience a day of kindness in their lives until they meet with brutal deaths so uncaring people may wear their fur.

Fur bearing animals desperately need your voice.

Come, join us!

The Baltimore/Washington DC Metropolitan area have joined forces for this great event as several groups will be marching and chanting in front of fur shops at upper Wisconsin Avenue, following this route:

1)Andriana's furs
2)Neiman Marcus
4)Saks Jandel
5)Saks 5th Ave

Additionally, we will be planning theatrical acts such as carrying a coffin, wearing "bloodied fur coats," etc. The groups involved in this event are listed below, and for this time, we shall call ourselves the DC area anti-fur coalition:

The Anti-Fur Society (MD)
The Humane League of Baltimore (MD)
Defending Animal Rights Today & Tomorrow (DC)
Compassion For Animals (Northern VA)
RabbitWise, Inc.(MD)

The march will be from 12:00 - 2:00 pm, beginning at Andriana Furs at Wisconsin Ave, NW.

Posters and banners will be provided by the above groups,RSVP to robin@baltimoreanimalrights.com

Thank you for caring!

PS: We will be going out for a fun vegan lunch afterwards!

Come be loud as hell with me and stand up for fur bearing animals everywhere!
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