in case you haven't signed it....

Oct 04, 2008 01:24

"This summer, Alaska wildlife agency personnel reportedly staked out a known wolf denning site - a practice that is illegal under Alaska law - and, using helicopters, gunned down 14 adult wolves from the air.

When they landed, they found 14 helpless pups in the nearby dens - infant wolves just weeks old - and methodically shot each one in the head. 28 wolves gunned down in all.

Due to a loophole in federal law, Alaska is the only state in the U.S. where a few hunters still use aircraft to shoot wolves or chase them to exhaustion before landing and shooting them point blank. But the practice of "denning" - the killing of wolf young in the den - is prohibited even under Alaska law."
please sign it. i don't know if it'll do anything.. but at least it's a small way to show our disgust.

petition is here
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