Jul 18, 2008 01:45
Every now and again I'll be reading something on-line that spontaneously turns into an anti-vegan rant. Today I wanted to look up the proper way to make a white russian, since back in the day I thought they were tasty, but I've never made one. So I simply search for 'white russian.' I find a blog that says the basics about constructing the drink, but also says you can use milk instead of cream. And then the author goes onto soy milk and just has to mention that it's the crazy vegans who are 'into' it. Then he also just has to go on about how vegans are nuts and no sane person can date them because they 'can't eat out anywhere.' And, of course, they're morons for not drinking milk in the first place because, hey, we're mammals! Duh.
I roll me eyes a bit then glance at the comments to see that a vegan actually said something, stating what is obviously wrong with the author's assessments and that using soy milk creamer in the drink tastes just fine. It was a well-worded comment. But, of course, veganism is for morons so it's just loled at.
Really, I love it when people can't conceive as to why anyone wouldn't drink dairy. If you don't drink dairy you must be one of those messed-up vegans. It's not like there are people who are allergic to it or are lactose intolerant or people who don't drink it simply for health reasons. Hell, there are some people who aren't vegan who don't drink dairy for animal welfare reasons, too.
Anyway... I found out what I wanted to know, at least:
White Russian
1 (or 2) part Vodka
1 part Coffee Liquor
1 part Silk Soy Creamer
Have a good amount of ice. Vodka first, then coffee liquor, then cream over top. Stir well...
And don't drink it immediately; let it sit for a minute or two for the flavors to harmonize.