I subscribe to a few
ABC news tags (the Australian "ABC") via iGoogle, one of them being
I've been following the stories about the
2010 industry-introduced deadline for phasing out mulesing in the Australian wool industry.
There doesn't seem to be any coverage in the "6 o'clock news"-type press, presumably because the programmers don't see it as newsworthy, so I thought I'd post a summary here:
(In order of oldest to newest, from late May to today)
Pressure to end mulesing - International retailers boycotting Australian wool, industry dude says breeding is the answer.
Wool industry to introduce mulesing declaration &
Wool exchange introduces mulesing declaration - Industry will make farmers specify whether they use mulesing or not.
Wool chief urges consistency in mulesing message - More on the decline in demand.
Mid West farmer refuses to stop mulesing - Farmer claims mulesing humane. References the 2010 deadline.
More mulesing done with anaesthetic•
Workshops discuss mulesing alternatives - Industry educating farmers, preparing for 2010 deadline.
PGA backs out of mulesing deadline support - Farmers' lobby group believes it's better to rely solely on previously mentioned declaration rather than having a hard deadline, a.k.a. MAKING THINGS REALLY FUCKING SLOW.
New sheep clip may end mulesing: wool industry (also says industry confident mulesing could be completely phased out earlier than 2010 deadline.