I just logged onto Youtube to get my 80's music video fix, and saw this on the front page Promoted Videos: (For those who don't want to/can't watch the gist is that Morrissey banned meat from the backstage of the 02 Wireless Festival. <3)
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and that girl interviewed in the 2nd half? her comment about being a vegetarian.. and saying.. "i'm not saying everyone in the world should be a vegetarian" is a load of fucking shit. apologetic veg*ns like her make me sick. either you think killing animals for their flesh is wrong, or you don't. it's like saying.. "well, i don't personally rape kids.. but you know.. my lifestyle is not for everyone." wtf??????????? and fuck her for calling morrissey "arrogant" for simply saying, "yo, i won't play if you serve meat"... i'd call him upstanding with some firm fucking morals. go morrissey.
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