Jun 24, 2008 16:41
I have many people ask me why I've joined this site when I'm part of the anti-vegan community. Here is my response.
I’m new here, I’m not vegetarian, nor am I vegan. I eat meat but I don’t consume a lot of it and I prefer that my food is free range and organic.
I have many friends that are vegetarian and vegan, we get along just splendidly but there are a few vegans and vegetarians that I know that openly persecuted me because of what I eat. And this made me wonder… “is this the reason many meat eaters can’t stand Vegans and vise-versa?”
One of them stated that I was going to hell because I was a hypocrite for supposedly loving life and “killing” it at the same time. Their nonsensical rant even went to my religion and became racially insulting as well.
I have looked around this site and I’ve found some sensible vegans that share their opinions in manner that is respectful and understandable, and some I’ve seen have labeled meat eaters as sickening or uncouth.
I understand how many strong opinions there are when it comes to animal welfare, but do we have to be so malicious and down right cruel to get our points across? Some of the best activists understood their opponent’s fears, wants, and needs and mentioned their opposing viewpoints in a positive yet assertive way. I find these people 10x more respectable than the ones that throw out hurtful comments before doing research or understanding the other person’s side.
I understand that not all vegans are all hyped in correcting every “cruel scumbag” out there many are nice and are awesome to hang out with. But the same goes for Meat Eaters, there are better ways of telling them information with out belittling them or making them feel inferior. It’s better to explain why you eat the things you do, its benefits, insult the person as a killer in the process. That’s just saying “my opinion is better than yours… here’s why, and you’re an ignorant ass.” Same goes for Meat Eater’s responses, they have some pretty ignorant remarks and normally can't back up what they say.
Now I joined this site because I am open minded and I enjoy seeing what other people think and learning more in hopes of bettering myself as a human being. So far there is a lot that I agree on, and a lot that I disagree on. But I hope that I wont offend anyone with my personal opinions and that I explain myself clearly and coherently.
G'day and thanks for adding me to your community. c:
PS - I find a majority of the people on anti-vegan to be ignorant and bad examples of the more sensible and sensitive m.e out there.
omnivore point of view