I'm always exhausted. I'm always nauseous. I can never catch my breath. Lately, I've felt like I could pass out at any time. And, needless to say, THIS IS VERY SCARY. ( and there's more )
I had Epstein-Barr a few years ago, which is to mono basically what HIV is to AIDS (a less severe form of the illness that is equally as contagious, and that can become mono if it gets worse). Apparently when you've had it it stays latent in your system and can come back under periods of stress - sometimes for no obvious reason at all. I definitely have a little bout of the *exact* symptoms you're describing every semester right before exams, when my boyfriend moved away, etc. It's possible that the mono is behaving as mono does and is just presenting itself in a period of stress. I really believe in veganism, but I admit that it's not as defining for me and having a few organic, free-range eggwhites helps me when I get like that, but it's possible that it's more the routine of cooking, chopping vegetables - i.e. getting rid of stress for a little while - and making myelf relax that helps more than the animal protein itself does.
Have a mono test again, just to rule it out. Definitely try to let yourself sleep as much as your body needs, even if it means cuttng out some social time. Try not to drink a lot of alcohol, as it won't help mono-esque symptoms, and don't over-exercise until you have another bout of mono ruled out.
Have a mono test again, just to rule it out. Definitely try to let yourself sleep as much as your body needs, even if it means cuttng out some social time. Try not to drink a lot of alcohol, as it won't help mono-esque symptoms, and don't over-exercise until you have another bout of mono ruled out.
Just worth a shot.
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