Products that were tested on animals are unethical, right? It seems clear to me only in the obvious cases. But I get confused the more obscure the example is. There are companies that don't test on animals, for either individual ingredients or the finished product. However, what if they are using products that they know are safe specifically
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I do believe humans are above animals, in that we are clearly the top of the food chain (and don't say a human thrown in the woods would be eaten by a bear.. thats not the way the food chain works. Bears use their teeth, we use our brains). And so, when necessary using them for our needs is fine. What's not ok is using them for our wants... and so I'd say if it;'s something you don't need (makeup, factory farmed meat, etc), it's not ok to use it. But if it's something you do need, that's different.
is our responsibility to our race higher than our responsibility to other races?
"retarded kids are human, but are they people? no."
Retarded kids are people. O_o
also, how can retarded kids be treated as part of the dominant species when they lack all characteristics that made you assert humans were dominant in the first place?
As for lacking the characteristics of the dominant species.. I suppose they lack the high level of intelligence humans are known for. But, as they are our species, we have a responsibility to them that is far different from our responsibility to animals. This is also nature. Pack animals protect their weak.
Also, and this is unrelated, but I'm curious: Do you oppose clinical testing on humans (ie, regular measurements and mandated regimens - including drugs not yet approved for the mass market, but not in a laboratory setting, and with restrictions coinciding with basic human rights)?
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