Feb 03, 2006 16:34
This might be a stupid question..
My friend and I were talking about milk today. She said that her uncle owns a "small, but not too small" farm in Israel. According to her, cows at first do need to be made pregnant to keep milk coming, but their calves are kept with them (Though I suppose that could just be female calves?), and eventually they "get used to" the constant milking and begin to give milk all the time without having to give birth/become pregnant/whatever, until they need to be milked and it hurts them not to. That doesn't seem to make any kind of sense to me (I can't really imagine that happening to a human woman with lots of children), and I've never actually heard that before, but I figured I would ask anyway. So is this possible, or was her uncle just trying to keep the truth from her? I'd just like to be 100% sure if the conversation ever comes up again.
EDIT: I found "Female cows are artificially inseminated shortly after their first birthdays.(3) After giving birth, they lactate for 10 months, then they are re-inseminated, and the cycle starts again." on a PETA factsheet, but I'm not really sure if that means what I think it does.
On a compltely unrelated note, I've been having pretty terrible stomach cramps for the last few days, and it tends to hurt a lot more when I eat. Firstly, could this have anything to do with the way I'm eating (ie. is it because of my nutrition)? My mother's a doctor and she doesn't really think so, but she doesn't really know very much about nutrition so I thought I'd give you guys a try. Any suggestions as to how to make this go away? I'm not sure if this is off topic, so feel free to delete if it is. :)