Jan 20, 2006 01:30
It started out as a control issue. I kind of like putting limitations on my intake of food... I like discipline. I was a meat-eater before this. It wasn't like I made a small jump from vegetarian to vegan. I was a milk-drinker, I was a consumer of meat, I never looked at the ingredients. I owned a wool sweater. It wasn't about animal rights, it was about control.
I have since wisened. After doing a bit of research on veganism and the diet and what to watch out for... I realised, it is about the animals. What they're doing is CRUELTY. I know this comparison is used over and over again, but it's used because it makes it real for people- Would you skin your own cat and wear it's fur around your neck? Would you use it's insides to filter wine? Would you eat the meat from it's bones? Would you stick your cat in a small cage once it's born and never let it know what living really is? How unnatural is that! Honestly!
If I'd known what went on in those horrible facilities I would've stopped eating foods with animal products in them long ago. I was not educated on the matter, however, and now I feel extremely guilty for what I have done. I have been fueling animal cruelty almost since birth, and for that I feel ashamed.
But I can tell you this... I am informed now, and I have changed my life for the better. I cannot change the past, but I can work on the future. I cannot make up for what I've done but I can make a difference by abstaining from eating animal products such as meat, cheese, milk, and other animal by-products from now on.
I have changed my life and I am grateful for it. I hope to educate myself further on the issue and become active in PETA.
Animals have no voice. This is why we, along with many other animal rights activists, must speak for them.
PS. I am getting rid of all of my clothing that has anything to do with animals. I am moving in a week and a half and will be going through my clothing then. I'm not sure if I want to give the clothing away or toss it. I am hoping to come to a decision I think would be most ethical. If you have any advice, please let me know.