Input is requested!

Dec 29, 2005 19:43

Hello out there!

I recent posted in vegetarian a few days back, and since then have done a bit of research and poking around on the subject of veganism and things of that nature. I thought if I posted in a vegan community, I could probably get the biggest spectrum of answers and different ideas and thoughts on things. So before I begin I apologize if you've seen this questions one too many times before, some of us are just terribly slow converters!

I've suffered from an eating disorder since I was 15 years old, what began as toying around with bulimic tendencies quickly evolved into severe bulimia and sometimes very harmful fasts. Something that I've gone through phases with in my life was vegetarianism, and this time I want to stick with it for good. It's taken me alot of courage to put my foot down with my mother (who is a huge fan of cooking meat and thinks the entire notion is ridiculous) and I've stuck through guilt trip after guilt trip with her around meals. For her, food is a way to nurture (don't ask me why, you'd think she would have given it up by now with my eating issues) and she always feels rejected. Whatever. My life, my choices, I'm not a child and I've decided completely this is what I want for my life. This is something I feel strongly about.

SO. Moving along. I'm also a struggling actress and as some of you know what it's like, I live paycheck to paycheck. My funds are not the type that I can take a trip to whole foods and buy things of organic nature on a regular basis. I try to make my grocery list as cheap as possible. The fact that I hate cooking kind of helps, as I usually opt for a sandwich over cooking some tofu.

I'm struggling with ironing out the wrinkles of vegetarianism versus veganism. I know the basic differences and I've heard some theories, but I'm somewhat stuck in a rut when it comes to identifying foods. I'm gradually trying to eliminate any food that comes from animals, but I know if I tried to do it all at once I'd probably end up making myself sick. Thus far, meat is completely elimated from my diet. I've been trying to figure out what snacks are safe, and I don't always know how to recognize the ingredients. Oils, sauces, so forth. Are there any sites or cheap literature that any of you know of that might get me on the right path to recognizing this stuff?

Also, for you people out there that have been vegans for some time now, what's your view on people who live outside of our society and thrive off of animals to live? I know that we as a society certainly have advanced far enough where we hardly need to result to hurting animals just to get a glass of milk, but what about the people in areas such as the arctic? Inuits for example? They revere each animal they use for their shelter, food and tools. They use every part and are hardly wasteful. Do you view this as something that's cruel and inhumane? I don't ask because I disagree, I'm just asking because I'd like to understand where people stand on this issue. If there's a general consensus or if you all have varied opinions.

And finally, when any of you first started out did you find that some of the clothing that keeps you the warmest was made out of animals and therefore you felt as if you had no right to wear it? My mother bought me a coat about four years ago from e-bay that's huge and warm and basically the only thing that keeps me warm in the winter because I get cold so easily. It's the only winter jacket I have and I don't have enough money to go out and splurge on a new one. I hate the cold days this year because every time I put it on I feel like a horrible person.

eating-disorders, advice-for-new-vegans

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