Aug 09, 2005 21:58
As are most good ideas, this little time-waster was stolen from SB:
Put "(your name) is" into Google and share the most interesting/amusing sentences that come up; (comment in brackets).
Soooooooo, without any further Apu:
Lesly is one of the voodoo priests. (Now there's a career I hadn't previously considered)
Lesly is a server in a donut shop, which is an abhorrent background for Marty’s
mother to accept...(I'm noticing a pattern here)
This leads to a reenactment of their own affaire d' amour, unaware Lesly is watching. (In another dimension with voyeuristic intention...)
Lesly is virtually eaten alive in this mad mad household, ... (Er, yeah)
Lesly is horrified by the antics of a family nearly as weird and self-contained as that in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. ...(I think it's time for me to move!)
Jackie O.'s jealousy of Lesly is apparent in that she constantly makes fun of
Lesly's lower-class upbringing...(I wonder how low the ex-queen of Camelot's self-esteem really was)
lesly is a fuckin idiot like you roger. (At least I know how to PUNCtuate!)
Okay, Lesly is having too much fun.
Lesly is going to stop now.
Lesly is going to have a brownie!