okay, The Goblet of Fire movie

Nov 19, 2005 01:12

Spoilers galore behind the cut!

Okay, I arrive for the 12:01 showing at a little after 10 because we have IMAX tickets and it's important to have good seats when the screen is so immensely huge. My friend Maria and I get seats in the middle of the back row and spend the next couple of hours chatting with other hardcores. We were especially charmed by this adorable little Hermione look-alike who not only made her own robes, but carved her own wand from a stick she found in her yard. She was also very knowledgeable, very Hermione. Her friends all gasped when Maria brought up the fact that she is a Harry/Draco shipper, though. So young, so innocent...so on need of corruption. I should have directed them to ARF *grins wickedly*

The movie itself starts to the tune of very raucous cheering, after the lengthy IMAX presentation.

It opens, not at the Quidditch World Cup as I thought, but with Nagini slithering around the cemetery up to the Riddle house, which is creepy, which is good.

The movie up to the champion selection was a little too quick for me, but no matter. The tournament, especially the first task with the dragons, was genuinely gripping, as was the climax in the cemetery.

Why I'll see it again:

1. Mad-Eye Moody kicked ASS. He stole every scene he was in. He was absolutely perfect.

2. Daniel and Rupert are shaping up to be fine-looking young men. Not that I'm a cougar or anything.

3. However, Rita Skeeter was TOTALLY played as a cougar. Miranda Richardson was divinely lecherous and sleazy.

4. Fred and George aging and then getting into a scuffle. Fred and George in general were completely ON.

5. Moaning Myrtle in the prefects bathroom was wicked fun, made me miss playing her on WB. She did me proud.

6. Hagrid's excessive use of hair gel when going to see Madame Maxime with the dragons. Reminded me of There's Something About Mary. Eew!

7. The Yule Ball was an indoor winter wonderland and yet the unnamed Weird Sisters rocked. I missed Snape blasting the rosebushes bit though. As usual, just not enough of him.

Okay, enough for now. Except I thought Cho was perfectly cute and didn't deserve all the hate from those nasty little girls.

In other news, I took three, yes, three buses to a go-see in Etobicoke. In the cold and snow. It was for an ad for formalwear for a high-end Jewish wedding magazine. It's unpaid, but I'd have a tear sheet to my name and I'd get to wear pretty dresses right?

The first outfit I tried on was a HIDEOUS chartreuse quasi-gypsy skirt with even uglier top. Insane grandmother of the bride wear. A not-bad looking bustier-skirt combo followed (still too old for me). Then there was a nice dress, though not something I would have picked for myself. And this final gaudy jersey set.

On the upside, I got the gig, pro hair and makeup etc. And as I remind myself, it's a tear (what we call a magazine ad) and it will boost my credibility.

It had better be worth it.
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