A girl's best friend?

Nov 08, 2005 20:47

Working at 5:30 in the morning was okay. People tend to just order drip coffee and not so many bar drinks that require you to remember syrup ratios and espresso shots. I finally get that whole Army "We do more before 9:00 a.m...." bit. I came home and it was still morning.

Yeah, I had a nap, but not a long one.


During my weekly "magazine time," where I get ideas for shoots and cool poses, and sniff the perfume inserts, I came across an ad for something called a Right Hand diamond ring.

Your left hand says you're taken. Your right hand says you can take over.
Your left hand celebrates the day you were married, your right hand celebrates the day you were born.

Am I cynical in that I don't see this as a cause for celebration amongst us feminists but as a way to sell more diamonds? Single women have more money than ever, so DeBeers and their ilk want to cash in.

Yeah, it's great that women don't have to wait for Prince Charming to wear a sparkly. But face it, pretty much everything is about the allmighty buck.


Is it just me?
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