Day 30- My hopes for my blog
Yay, we made it to day 30!! Spread between here and wordpress* and with a break of many days in between but, still, we made it. thank you all for reading and commenting either on WP or FB and now that i have finally I'm managed to set up the comments on here I'll look forward to reading them in the future. There will be a future for my blog, afterall it existed ( in many forms) before this challenge I like having somewhere to spew my nonsense and to have people read it as It's nice to meet like minded people, I'm a fan of communities in all its diverse forms. So this blog does have a future but I don't have any expectations for it. It doesn't have a particular theme so it would never be a go to blog for people interested in X, y or Z. Its the stuff running through my brain but just typed on online it's nothing more than that. It will be where I share my thoughts on subject related to nothing of importance very little politics, religion ( well maybe a bit of religion) and the like. I like having friends and don't want to lose any by sharing my, sometimes, opposing views hehe! Of course not everything in my head needs to be shared and an argument could be made that nothing should be shared at all but that's not fun. Certainly for the future you can look forward too ( or feel a sense of dread) for seeing my latests scrapbooking layouts, I'm working on a list of sexiest TV cops ( inspired by a recent Huffpost article)which will be shared...eventually and there will be another blog challenge in the future too because they are fun to do. I might attempt to reviews books, films and TV too because I like doing that and I have got out of the habit. So, if you're willing to put up with my shoddy punctuation and grammar then I'd love to have you along for the journey.
* Here's why I moved blogs. I was having trouble with the way some of my posts, ummm, posted on WP as they would post in a long line making it jolly hard to read or if I wrote a piece on my ipad and copied it to my WP app it would post the entire thing, the ENTIRE THING in the subject line. It turns out that if I write a piece on one of my apps and send it to my email and then when I get back on my PC and copy the email content to the WP something messes with the algorithms or logorithms or something ( I don't know. Do I look like Abby sciuto? )and that's why it posts in long lines rather than regular like this blog just now. Also this happens when I do the same with LJ so really I didn't have to move blogs I just needed to post on my PC but I like LJ we have a history together, i just need to learn how to properly use it again.