Day 28- Most embarrassing moment
If you're looking for day 27 and have a huge desire to see what's in my closet then look no further than the post before this one. I forgot to tag it to FB & Twitter. Anyone on with the embarrassment.
I've had several embarrassing moments of the years and it's hard to really decide what qualifies for the most embarrassing. so i thought I'd regal you with tales of a couple of them. I'll spare you the old skirt tucked into pants stories and anything to do with my period, sorry, 'ladies things'. Now, granted, it's purely subjective as to whether these situation would embarrassing to you but they were to me but I can get embarrassed really easily.
I was once on a train, can't remember to where but it was England somewhere, and i decide to be brave and go to the loo only i hadn't realised that I hadn't locked the door properly as it was one of those electric button things. There i was sitting on the throne when lo and behold some chap had opened the door, we both got a bit of a fright hehe! We both apologised, cause we're British, and he shut the door again. Annoyingly I had to walk past him, with him facing me, as I walked back to my seat.
At college one time i stayed behind to have a chat with one of my lecturers and she pulled up a seat and I though it was for me so I took it just as she was attempting to sit on it, she didn't fall onto the floor but managed to stumble and regain her balance but i was so embarrassed. what an idiot.
At school a bunch of us used to have our lunch in the auditorium and we would occasionally play 'who's line is it anyway' and we were playing the game where someone is hosting a party and they have to guess who each person is. I was playing a American TV evangelist so I was all loud and spouting stuff about God and Jesus etc. Little knowing that a Minister had walked in a the top of the auditorium.
I once went to college with cheese sandwiches in my hood and never realised till I had found them later on that day. So i had been getting on buses and trains and walking past people with my lunch in my hood, but it was a deep hood so maybe no one actually saw them.
Pretty much every hair do and pretty much all my clothes as a teenager were embarrassing.