I decided to take photos of the meals that my husband and I typically eat during the week and post them on my personal journal, to answer the question I hear so often--"What can you eat?" I've been watching vegancooking for years and I hope that the members will take an interest, or at least enjoy the food-porn. While the meals I feature may not be particularly complex, I think there is value in discussing the "normal" and everyday vegan diet. By "normal" I mean meals we make often without using a recipe or list to shop. I will admit to you that Paul and I rely too heavily on processed foods, so our everyday diet is not perfect, but we try.
I LOVE spaghetti night, perhaps because of its timelessness. I remember the spaghetti nights of yore, when I sat at the kitchen table, after a long day of elementary school, and watched my mother drain the noodles. The steam rose. I also remember my mom de-thawing icy hamburger meat in a pan on the stove top, to use in the sauce--somethings have changed.
Paul and I don't actually make "spaghetti," but we make Organic Whole Wheat Linguine (365 Brand) because we like the texture of the flat noodle. We bake a few of Nate's Zesty Italian Meatless Meatballs will our rolls, and prefer Muir Glen's Organic Fire Roasted Tomato Sauce. The rolls we use are whole grain Alexia frozen dinner rolls (with a little Earth Balance spread.) Here we have fresh green beans sauteed with olive oil and almonds that I ground and roasted myself (in a pan on medium heat for about five minutes.) The green beans/almond/Braggs combo is killer! I also make them part of Thanksgiving dinner:
Not my mama's spaghetti night.