Mar 06, 2009 16:51
I apologize, because I know this might be in the memories somewhere, but I'm wondering--our power went out for a few days earlier this week (nasty snow storm). The kitchen was cold enough, and I figured that vegan food, for the most part, wouldn't really go bad. Well, I opened a package of tofu a minute ago and sliced it up to dry--there were some funny off color spots, so I took a taste. Oh man, it was awful. So I'm guessing the tofu is bad? Am I going to die since I ate some? (Pardon the hyperbole.) What else can go bad? Off the top of my head, aside from veggies, there was some unopened silk creamer which tastes fine, but also a bunch of gimme lean sausage and beef, some tempeh, margarine, and hummus. Should I throw it all out? I'm trying to search, but am not coming up with anything about unopened, unrefrigerated tofu. Thanks!
ETA: Thanks for the advice, everyone! The fridge has been purged, and I'll probably spend the rest of the week getting that stinky tofu smell out.
-shelf-life of foods,