halp? with kale?

Aug 06, 2008 21:19

i need to eat more green leafies. i know i do. so this week i bought the prettiest little head of purple kale (with curly leaves... i have no idea what variety this is). i've made kale exactly once before, in a vegan "creamed" dish, and while it was more edible than i expected, it wasn't spectacular. i guess i don't like bland creamed things, even if they're vegan. (never liked the non-vegan varieties either.)

i checked the tags and nothing really stands out for me. so if you have a suggestion for a dish, or a method of dealing with the kale (my in-laws say you have to let kale freeze before picking it and it sweetens up, but this obviously wasn't an option at the supermarket), or SOMETHING to do with it to make it tasty and delicious, i'd be so thankful.

i don't really like how bitter it is, so bonus points for masking that. double bonus points for adding citrus or other form of vitamin C so i get more iron out of it.

is there a secret to this miracle food i'm missing?

vegetables-kale, greens-kale

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