May 19, 2005 22:23
Revenge of the Sith was fucking awsome with a few exceptions but Lucas must be loosing some of his creative edge by trying to win more people over with shitty dialogue. like for instance when Padmae and Annie Skywalker are talking he tells her he loves her and she says. and she says its b/c your so beautiful and he says no its b/c your so beautiful. good ole george must be trying to cram crap like that into the movie to make up for the fact that little annie is not so little and that he slaughters lots of little boys. and how come neither skywalker nor obiewon sweat a drop durring their duel i mean they were ridding on a sheet of metal that was floating in a river of hot fucking lava. just a thought. i guess b/c they are jedi they can fight off the urge to sweat yet still kick each others asses. and i have allways wondered how rather when the light saber knows when to stop. how come they are not longer? there is nothing stoping it. except oh yea, the force.