Nov 20, 2006 10:20
I’m sorry I spent so many hours analyzing the socio economic implications of Queer As Folk on gay men. I’m sorry I’m influenced by General Idea. I’m sorry I’d rather look at Vito Acconci than spend time re-reading the same Stephen Shore book, the same William Eggleston book, the same William Christenberry book. I’m sorry I’m excited by photography that’s being made right now. I’m sorry I was first attracted to the work of Bruce Nauman because I thought he was hot. I’m sorry I’m embarrassed to say that I like Walker Evans, though I think he’s cliché. I’m sorry that Will & Grace has made you decide that gay male identity is no longer a worthy subject of art, as it is no longer something taboo. I’m sorry I refuse to move on with my work in the wake of mass culture’s “acceptance” of gay men. I’m sorry I found David Wojnarowizc’s “Close to the Knives” to be the most important piece of literature in the past 20 years. I’m sorry I cried 6 times during the first time I watched “Before Night Falls”, possibly 15 the first time I read it. I’m sorry I had 3 separate HIV scares in the past year. I’m sorry AIDS still exists. I’m sorry AIDS is still a gay disease. I’m sorry I’m not interested in leisure, in skiing, in revisiting the town I grew up in. I’m sorry I have -$2 in my bank account and can’t make it to the darkroom today. I’m sorry I printed those missed connection posts out from craigslist as a way to keep creating. I’m sorry I think Susan Sontag is still relevant to photography. I’m sorry I’m interested in Art that operates in more than one medium. I’m sorry I don’t shoot architecture in the American Southwest. I’m sorry my artwork deals specifically with the gay male community. I’m sorry that when you think of gay men, your first thoughts are of muscles, 23rd St, and money. I’m sorry I have made art about such personal subject matter, and I’m sorry I take it’s rejection so much to heart.