Back: for VeganMoFo III !

Sep 22, 2009 15:31

Armed with a new laptop and eager for a fresh start, I'm ready to finally back away from the carry-out containers and start cooking some more.  I don't know why I've been so lazy about cooking lately, but I've just been really disinterested and uninspired.  I know I've said I'd be back before....but this time I have VeganMoFo to motivate me :o)  That and the desire to start eating more veggies and being more healthy again.


Things coming up include:  Arugula potato salad!  Fall's first tuscan bean soup!  More face-meltingly awesome recipes from Vegan Fire and Spice!  Lots of soups including a new black bean one, and something involving kale and potato!  If you're still hanging in there with me... I'll make it worth your while :o)

Also, if you want to participate you can find some info here.

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