You know, I can't... I mean, I don't have the words right. I'm so happy, so filled with hope... it's an unfamiliar feeling, but a welcome one!
I was strenuously avoiding the news all day. I didn't want to spazz, I didn't want to stress. I went to the lab to work at 5:30 and concentrated on that. And then at 11:50, my mom sent me a text:
'Celebrate good times!'
I went to CNN, and when I saw that headline, I did a dance right there in the lab.
Not a minute later, my sister called. I packed my shit up and left the lab, and we called our parents threeway. We have been on the phone ever since.
This is history, people. HISTORY. When my taciturn father said quietly, "I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime," I almost cried right then and there driving down University. BOTH of my parents can tell you stories about growing up in the Jim Crow south that would keep you from sleeping for weeks. They know. Shit, I know. I have never had the luxury of being unaware, not since I was able to form a coherent sentence. You can say it's not a big deal all you want. You can dismiss it, you can pooh-pooh it. Go right ahead. But I know, and you ought to, that this? This is HUGE.
But of course, it's not only the fact that we've finally elected a minority to the presidency. Cuz hey, I'm not idealistic enough to believe that this magically erases the past, that this miraculously kicks race problems to the curbs and now everybody loves each other. It doesn't. Nor can Obama instantly fix the utter MESS the country is in after 8 years of W's bumbling ass. He has a battle ahead of him, make no mistake. But it does point to something, and that something is monumental.
It says, 'We want change.'
CHANGE, babies. Can you hear it? Can you see it? Can you feel it? We have a chance to alter the self-destructive, narcissistic, intolerant path we've been on. The people have said 'Enough! Enough!' We've shown that we have the courage to try, and to care. Now we have to keep the momentum going to help President Obama do what we need him to do.
President Obama. Did you see that? President Barack Hussein Obama! GOD, THAT SOUNDS GOOD!
To sum up, babies: It's good to have hope.
It's a new day.
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